Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Guest Post for Kiwi Lane Deigns

Wow! It has definitely been a long time since I have blogged. I am not sure why I stopped from February until June, but I can tell you why I haven't posted or scraped much since June. You see, my husband got a new job that required us to pack up, sell a house, and move 4,000 miles away. Yeah, it kept us busy and has left me a bit exhausted since.

Jen contacted me through Facebook and asked me if I'd like to do a guest post for the Kiwi Lane blog. A long time ago I was on the design team for Kiwi Lane loved it and still love the templates so I definitely could not turn Jen down. And let me just say, I am so glad Jen got me to dig out my templates and create. I have really missed scrapbooking and am again reminded about how awesome and easy the Kiwi Lane templates are.

I have recently become addicted to Geocaching (thanks to some of my scrappy friends) and my kids love it too! Since we live in a small town far away from most civilization and things like malls, movie theaters, and other things to occupy our time, we spend most of our time outside when the weather is nice. Geocaching has been the perfect activity to satisfy my curious and adventurous kids. We also come across some of the pretty views when we are out and about. I don't want my kids to forget about these awesome adventures after they grow old and move away.

I used the Bo Bunny collection Camp-A-Lot and the Winter, Tags, and Cedar Trails templates.

 I love the Tag templates because they are so wonderful for journaling. I wrote about each Geocaching adventure and have them all tucked behind the picture.